Profesjonalne Szkolenia
Moje szkolenia dostarczają cennych informacji i praktycznej wiedzy na temat przekształcania danych w strategiczny zasób, wykorzystania mocy sztucznej inteligencji oraz najnowszych technologii w celu wspierania rozwoju biznesu.
Szkolenia są zaprojektowane dla profesjonalistów z różnych branż i dziedzin, wyposażając uczestników w wiedzę i narzędzia niezbędne do odkrywania ukrytego potencjału w ich organizacjach.
Zapraszam do udziału w angażujących i praktycznych programach szkoleniowych. Wspólnie:
- Przeanalizujemy etapy pracy z danymi,
- Ustalimy podstawy skutecznej monetyzacji danych,
- Omówimy różne strategie i aspekty do rozważenia,
- Skupimy się na wykorzystaniu sztucznej inteligencji w celu zwiększenia efektywności i sukcesu.

Pobierz broszury i dowiedz się więcej
Arek is an extraordinary man, full of passion, which he spreads to my Executive MBA students.
I knew that the choice of Arek as a lecturer in the Executive MBA Program was a good one, but I didn’t think it would be so good. As a lecturer, Arek is characterized by extraordinary professionalism, the ability to combine the worlds of corporate and small business, and incredible energy, which makes his classes always well received by the students and inspires them.
So good to have you in our Executive MBA Family, Arek!
Director Executive MBA Poznań-Atlanta
Arek conducted the keynote speech for our employees in a very engaging and creative way. He was great at adding value by introducing our teams to artificial intelligence and its influence on business performance. What stands out about Arek is that he shares case studies, straightforwardly explains complex issues, and adapts his speech to our group’s and the individuals within the group’s needs.
Lukasz Wala, Grupa Maspex
Jey Veerasamy, University of Texas at Dallas
Arek spoke to the TechFW community of entrepreneurs about the ways to build a business model of startups to pin point the pains within a larger corporation, thus increasing the impact of the two by working together. He was well spoken, energetic, and very knowledgeable. It was a phenomenal presentation and everyone had great takeaways.
Devan Peplow, Founder of Prep & Pep
I would always recommend Arek to any managers in need of market testing and launching services or products to catch new revenue opportunities. Another value of Arek’s work is that he is metrics-driven and always keen to verify if the innovation helps customers to solve painful problems.
Łukasz Lewandowski, CEO at PerfectBot.AI